AzureADPreview module error when install module (Solved)

Trying to Install-Module AzureADPreview but Get-PSRepository “WARNING: Unable to find module repositories.” Problem by installing the AzureADPreview module If you want to restrict the creation of groups for your organization you will need to run a number of PowerShell scripts. In these scripts you use the new AzureADPreview module. Only during the installation something goes … Lees meer

Microsoft Outlook new e-mail exploit

We are contacting you about a recently published and critical security vulnerability (CVSS 9.8 – CVE-2023-23397). This zero-day vulnerability affects Microsoft Outlook. Please note that this vulnerability does not affect Outlook for MacOS/iOS or Android. Only Windows users are affected. What is this all about? This vulnerability allows the attacker to steal a user’s credentials … Lees meer

AzureADPreview module error (Solved)

Trying to Install-Module AzureADPreview but Get-PSRepository “WARNING: Unable to find module repositories.” If you want to restrict the creation of groups for your organization you will need to run a number of PowerShell scripts. In these scripts you use the new AzureADPreview module. Only during the installation something goes wrong because this module cannot be … Lees meer