Data Sensitivity and ChatGPT a good combo?

In the modern business landscape, leveraging new technologies like ChatGPT can enhance productivity and decision-making processes. However, with the integration of such AI-driven tools, it is crucial to understand and manage data and more specific the sensitivity of data to safeguard your organization’s critical information. This blog explores what Open AI (ChatGPT) is, how to … Lees meer

Azure Kubernetes security common misconceptions

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) has emerged as a leading platform for container orchestration, offering scalability (with Keda), flexibility, and an easy management panel. However, like any technology, misconceptions about security can lead to suboptimal practices and positionally compromise the integrity of your applications.  In this blog post, we’ll discuss some common misconceptions about Azure Kubernetes … Lees meer

Schedule AKS clusters to run during Business Hours

Introduction In the dynamic landscape of cloud computing, optimizing costs is a crucial aspect of managing resources efficiently.Microsoft Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) is a powerful platform for deploying, managing, and scaling containerized applications.While AKS provides flexibility and scalability, it’s equally important for organizations to adopt cost-saving measures.One effective strategy is shutting down and starting AKS … Lees meer

Strategy for scaling a web app to handle high-traffic on Azure

Scaling a web app to handle high traffic on Microsoft Azure involves both vertical and horizontal scaling strategies. Azure provides various services and tools to help you scale your web app efficiently.Here’s a comprehensive scaling strategy: 1. App Service Plan STart with an appropriate App Service Plan. Azure’s App Service Plans allow you to scale … Lees meer

Security and Azure Devops – part 1

How to configure a project and repository to support secure pipelines? It can be done in Azure DevOps in an easy way, so read along and configure with me some security best practices for your DevOps environment. Prerequisites You must create an Azure DevOps Organization and one project for some exercises, for more info see: … Lees meer

App Service Docker continuous deployment

Before Microsoft announced Container Apps (Kubernetes as a Service), App services were considered an alternative if companies did not want to set up and maintain an entire Kubernetes stack. Here, a developer can push docker images to an Azure Container Registry, where the App Service pull and run the image. High level design – Architecture … Lees meer

Azure Diagnostic settings multi region support

Everyone has heard of “Mission Critical” in Azure, Which describes that an application needs to be deployed in one or more regions within Azure to have 100% redundancy. For example, an application is deployed in West and North Europe. It brings us to the next problem, what if diagnostic settings have another Log Analytics Workspace … Lees meer

Failed to start the Application Gateway

When setting up an Application Gateway (AGW), the public and private IP addresses of the Application Gateway are required in order to complete the configuration. The Application Gateway needs 24 hours before new DNS and network settings are taken into account. Or you can trigger this part of the process by manually stopping and starting … Lees meer